Friday, February 24, 2006

Forgive Me,Oprah

for I have sinned.

Oprah takes on women with sexual addiction. Which means there are 'Ewwws' and expressions of disgust from Oprah, the All-Compassionate and denials of any pleasure and expressions of great shame from the women.

Is it an addiction? I don't know. There is a feeling of 'Score!' when you pick someone up. You see it, you want it, you get it. Is that addiction or do you just want to win?

The problem comes with the shame. But is it true shame or are you trying to feel what society tells you that you should. What society tells women they should.

I'll admit to carelessness and recklessness. I'll admit to doing stupid things. I'll admit to using men like Kleenex and throwing them away.

But I won't admit to being ashamed.

Because I'm not.


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