Tuesday, June 27, 2006

One Last Kitty

The last refuge from kittens was breeched last night when Brick brought the kitten to bed. The dog and I were not happy.

When I mentioned this to Brick he responded with "A kitten that's never been alone can't sleep by himself."

I take it that's a swipe at my taking the Mama and sisters to the Pound yesterday?

As much as Brick would have liked it, I wasn't willing to commit to 15 years with 4 cats because a neighborhood stray picked our house to have her litter (Brick feeding every stray in the neighborhood probably encouraged that). It might have been different if it hadn't been me doing all the work. Brick loves to play with them when he comes home but the three times a day litter box cleaning, twice a day sweeping, and all day picking up that (originally) six cats create was all on me. One I can handle. One I can maintain and afford. Six?

So I tried to find homes, tried to place them with full up Humane organizations, tried to give them away at Walmart and still couldn't place the girls and the Mama. I hope the shelter can find them good homes but an overcrowded house, a stressed out caregiver, a largely absent owner, and insufficient money for that many vet bills is not a good home no matter how much canned food we feed them.


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