Saturday, July 08, 2006

The Feud's Back On!

Oh, Please!

Jen's shocked as Angelina flaunts her new family.

I'm hoping this is tabloid hype because if Jennifer Aniston is so meMeME as she as portrayed in a recent edition of In Touch, she needs serious help.

Timing the announcement of the pregnancy as a slap at Jen? How about: Had made a committment to go to Haiti, there were going to be cameras there, and it couldn't really be hidden anymore?

Timing the birth as a slap against Jen? How about: Babies come when they're ready?

Selling the pictures and going on Anderson Cooper a slap against Jen? They were done to get money and attention for refuges and poor children (and to get the papparazi to back off).

If this is a PR effort Team Aniston, it does not flatter their client.


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