Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Too Much TV

I read a column this morning where the end of civilization was announced because we own too many televisions. We have gone from a nation where the family gathered around the TV in the evening to view a couple of programs to a society where every room is wired into the outside world with monitors in not only the family room but bedrooms, kitchens, and (in my fondest dreams) bathrooms. There are now more TVs in houses than people.

That's certainly true in my house. We have three people. We have five TVs. And that's not including the computers that can be used as TVs. And at least one is on at all times.

Why is that ok? Mainly because we're not really watching. I'm the only one home right now and there are two TVs playing. One is on in the den because Brick never turns it off. I have one on in the bedroom and, other than hearing Regis and Kelly banter in the background, I'm paying it no attention at all. It's noise, not something that requires active participation.

I remember the old days of gathering around the family set. Back then you actually watched the TV. You sat down and watched a program from beginning to end.

There are very few things I do that with. Usually is just noise. I'll look up and pay attention to the bits that interest me.

Of course, I do think of Winston Smith occasionally. Always wired, what's going out when it's all coming in?


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