Monday, February 27, 2006

Tyranny of the Boomers

So Brick and I are riding home in his car and and I hear the radio play "Mississippi moon wontcha keep on shining on me..."

"Brick, this was a really great song...when I was a sophmore in high school! Why are we listening to it now?"

So I admit to being the first one to turn up the volume when 'Layla' plays but how many times does anyone need to hear 'Satisfaction', 'Stairway to Heaven', or, Lord help, 'Freebird' in one lifetime?

I don't resent people listening to the old stuff. I resent their not realizing it's old! How would we have felt in the early seventies if we never heard Led Zepplin, The Who, or Foghat because our parents had a really big demographic and the radio was full of Guy Lombardo and Kay Kyser? The equivalent to endless replays of 'Rock and Roll All Night'? Pat Boone's 'April Love'. Over..and over...and over again.

So if radio programmers are so wedded to the concept of 'Oldies', at least expand the time frame. Throw some Inkspots and Harry James in the mix, some Gershwin and Porter, some original Delta Blues and Hank Williams (the original not the pale progeny).

But no more 'Light My Fire' and don't make me see Mick Jagger's sixty-year-old abs ever again.


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