Sunday, March 19, 2006

The Good Old Days

weren't that good.

In fact they were downright lousy if you were black, native American, asian, or even Italian. Discrimination was so commonplace it was accepted as normal. People marched in Klan regalia down their city streets without the hoods. In fact, in many communities, Klan membership was necessary to hold elected office.

Wasn't that great for women either. Women couldn't own property, vote, or decide how many children they wanted to have. I'm not talking abortion. I'm talking birth control. There was no effective form of birth control asserts the Great-Granddaughter of one woman with 11 children and two who had 13 each.

There were no antibiotics. Running water, electricity, and indoor plumbing were rare. Phone service was prohibitively expensive. If people moved away from their families, odds were they'd never see each other again. An orange for a present was considered a real Christmas treat.

Lord save me from the 'good old days'.


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