Saturday, March 18, 2006

Why I Hate NASCAR....

...let me count the ways.
1. Race fans. It's not even personal with the race fans. It's that there are so darn many of them. When you take a small community and throw an additional 100,000 into the mix for a long weekend it gets ugly. Traffic is impossible, you can't go anywhere or do anything until 'They' go away.
2. Race fans. They are lousy tippers and they have bad taste in clothing. They also steal all of the paper products out of their motel rooms (okay, so they're paying 4 times the going rate and I would imagine finding toilet paper at the track would be difficult but it's still annoying to have to replenish a stripped room)
3. The noise. Even though I've never attended a race I've heard every one ofthem. Every. Single. Lap.
4. The smell. Gas fumes travel.
5. Priorities. I live in a community that has an empty expressway built solely for the purpose of getting fans to and from the race two race weekends a year. This same community had a jam-packed 2 lane bridge leading to the county hospital and emergency room for years where emergency vehicles would be stuck gridlocked with dying patients but the race road had to be completed first before that road project could get started.


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