Friday, March 17, 2006


Why lie?

When you date someone, especially a married someone, and it's not the person of your dreams, you've not known each other long, met a couple of times and it's just not clicking, why not just be honest? Say "You seem like a lovely person but you're not the one for me."

No harm. No foul. Odds are she wasn't feeling it either. You might even become friends.

Don't be such an idiot that you tell her you're overcome with guilt and want to rededicate yourself to your marriage and then keep looking for new women on the same dating service where you met her.

It's insulting. You're treating the woman like an idiot who can't figure it out, a child who's too immature to take the truth, or an irrational person who will boil your bunny out of unrequited love for you (Oh, please!)

If you want to play, man up and be honest. Or do you just want another woman to lie to? Like your wife.


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