Sunday, March 12, 2006

Sleepwalking Through

It is so easy to sleepwalk through life. You always think there's going to be more time: to be with loved ones, make amends, go see the Grand Canyon. I'll get around to that after: I complete this project, I get through this month, the bills are paid, the kids are grown.

I lost a friend this week. He was lucky. He was told he had eight weeks. He had some notice that there was no more time, if there was something truly important he had to get it done because there was no more 'one day'.

This week is also the anniversary of losing another friend. That friend had no idea. He was young enough, healthy enough, everything was ahead of him, another thirty years, and then a stranger with a gun walked up and ended it in seconds.

I sleepwalk. Never do today what you can put off for as long as possible. I hope I get a death sentence one day because if I don't I'll have a long list of things I never got around to.


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