Monday, March 06, 2006

I'd Love to Testify but.....

...I want assurances that the Prosecutor will only ask me questions on cross-examination that I'm willing to be asked.

Well don't we all.

So it is an invasion in the private life of a person accused of taking bribes to ask "Mr. Mayor, you had mistresses who have testified that you paid for everything, in cash. They have testified that you frequently gambled, with cash. There are no records of any of your own funds going to pay for these trips, dinners, activities. Where did the cash come from?"

Sounds like a reasonable question to me.

Or "Mr. Mayor, you lied to your wife over and over and over again. Why should we believe anything you say?"

But Bill Campbell is special. If he isn't given assurances no other defendant is ever going to get in a criminal trial, he's being mistreated and his rights are being harmed.

And he's only concerned about his family's well-being.



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