Monday, March 06, 2006

Oscar Roundup

I love movies so I actually saw a lot of what was nominated this year.

I'm so glad Gustavo Santaolalla won for Best Score. That was one of the few times where the music was an important part of the movie experience and how many times does John Williams need to win?

And speaking of music; 'It's Hard Out Here to be a Pimp'?! What do you want to bet a lot of voters giggled at the idea of voting for a song with the word 'Pimp' in the title never thinking it would actually win because they were the only ones clever enough to get the joke?

Glad the Penguins won.

Glad McMurtry won. Any McMurtry fan should go see Archer City, Texas sometime. It explains a lot about the man and his work. (And a trip on up to Childress explains a lot about the life of Jack Twist)

I think Jake Gyllenhaal was wonderful in Brokeback Mountain, he was the heart of the movie for me and it's a shame he didn't win.

Reese Witherspoon looks a lot like Zelda so she's always a favorite with me and Felicity Huffman's role just seemed like Oscar bait: ShineMyLeftFootOnMyBrilliantMindForrest. No thanks. Thought it was so appropriate that Witherspoon, who has been wearing short dresses for most of award season put on a long gown for the Big night. She looked gorgeous.

Phillip Seymour Hoffman did a great job, especially in creating an illusion of a character that was a foot shorter and about 80 pounds lighter. He was the Truman I remember from my childhood. And his acceptance speech was an illustration of the theory that actors can be incredibly shy when they don't have a character to hide behind. He and Robert DeNiro must have been a barrel of laughs on set.

I liked Crash. But Capote and Brokeback Mountain are the movies I still remember, that I still think of as I go about my day and I don't think Crash coming out last summer has anything to do with that. I think the idea of Capote and Perry Smith being esentially alike, that they both really liked someone right up till the moment where they cut their throat will stay with me. I know I won't forget those shirts, one hidden inside the other, as if always in their hearts.

I wanted a reaction shot of Jennifer Aniston to the Anjelina Jolie joke.

Was there a Jennifer not in attendance?

Did Jennifers Lopez and Gardner run into one another backstage? (and they both looked great)

Does Jack Nicholson have a seat that belongs to him every year?

Heath Ledger was so tender and sweet with Michelle Williams windblown dress on the red carpet. Would have loved to hear the conversation between Gyllenhall and Ledger after Ledger's 'Clooney should win' statement.

Jon Stewart did a good job.

Joan Rivers didn't look as scary as she did at the Golden Globes.

Am I really supposed to believe that Ryan Seacrest has the hots for Jessica Alba?

Salma Hayek's boobs looked smushed.

No big bows!

Loved that a lot of the gowns had pockets.

Is there a standard dress for heavily pregnant nominees? Didn't Catherine Zeta Jones wear Rachel Weiss's dress the year she won (pregnant) for Chicago?

And I've heard some complaints about all the clips. I love them. Maybe it's because I've usually seen the movies but clip montages inevitably have me thinking 'I need to get out that tape/DVD and watch it again.'


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