Sunday, March 05, 2006

It's Good to be King

This postcard (courtesy of PostSecret) reminded me of a theory that's been kicking around my head.

Oppressed people usually manage to get revenge even if it's only in little ways. Women are often oppressed people. Every home a castle, every man a King. The King may want to consider hiring a food taster.

I don't think it's random that most poisoners are women. It's the perfect, passive-aggressive, sneaky method. And women usually prepare the food.

Even if it doesn't reach the level of arsenic or antifreeze, what woman hasn't, in a fit of conniption, failed to rinse the soap out of a husband's favorite glass or dropped his toothbrush on the floor and given a maniacal Dr. Evil cackle? Or, if poisoning isn't their thing, maybe she just manages to place a sharply angled knee or elbow in a sensitive part of a husband's body in the wee hours of the morning to disturb his blissful slumber? Overdrawn the checking account? Forgot to fill the gas tank? Turned his undershirts pink?

It is said that slave owners in the South were often miserable and paranoid, surrounded by people they 'owned', convinced they would be murdered in their sleep when the inevitable uprising occurred.

Oppression leads to resentment leads to fear of reprisal leads to greater oppression leads to greater never ends.


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