Saturday, March 04, 2006

I Meant What I Said.....

"I meant what I said and I said what I meant; an elephant's faithful, 100 percent"

I have little patience with broken promises. Horton was a hero of mine when I was a kid. Someone who would say "I meant what I said and I said what I meant" was a novel concept and I responded to it. I decided Horton would be one of my role models.

My decision to never make a promise I wasn't sure I could keep can irritate my family to no end. When Brick and I talked about getting married, I wouldn't promise monogamy and I wouldn't accept that promise from him.

I don't know why he didn't walk away from a woman who wouldn't promise that he would be the last man in her life. Maybe he realized that my refusal meant that if I did make him a promise, it would be kept. I promised to love him, respect him, and that I'd never look him in the eye and lie to him unless it concerned something like a birthday present. And somehow that works for us.


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