Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Facts of Life

I just saw The Facts of Life with Bob Hope and Lucille Ball. Somehow I'm more ashamed to admit that I Tivo'd and watched that than I am about every sinful thing I've ever done but I've always loved Bob Hope movies and I'd never seen this one.

Bob and Lucy were married to other people. They were all in the same circle of friends and longed for one another for months (years?). They finally go off to be together and within hours are ready to kill one another. The reality of 'life' together is so different from what they had fantasized that they both ran home happily.

Is everyone attracted to someone else over the course of a longterm marriage? And, if so, should you allow your spouse to get a look at the grass on the other side of the fence up close and personal and wait for them to come home?

I guess it depends on your ultimate goal. If it is to stay married why not consider letting your spouse go for awhile? Have faith that he married you for a good reason, that the two of you fit, that he will get it out of his system, and he will come home. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil can work.

And it will drive the other woman crazy.


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