Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Just because you're paranoid...

doesn't mean anyone gives a damn about you.

Or maybe it's just 'Guilty dog barks'

What is it with people who no matter what the conversation is always think it's about them? Is it paranoia or egotism? Both?

Hear an absurdly funny segment on the radio and share it with a group of people, it's not that it was funny, illuminating about human behavior in general, related to a previous conversation that they hadn't been included in, or any or a million other possible explainations, it was about them, all about them, in some sort of secret code, maybe one we got from the aliens, why it was the strawberries! They said the messboys ate them but he knew better.....

With some people all you can do is pass the tin foil and hope they use it.


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