Thursday, March 23, 2006

I Hate You for Being You

People will tell you who they are. Why do some of us refuse to listen?

They give you all the necessary signs: I'm shallow, selfish, self-absorbed...pick your unpleasant character trait, if you look back honestly, you realize you could have known all along, you just didn't want to. You didn't want them to be the person they were. You wanted them to be the person you wanted or needed them to be.

Anything that pointed to the flaws in the image you created, you probably minimalized, told yourself 'Oh, he was kidding...didn't really mean that...must have been in a bad mood...was just trying to provoke a reaction.' Because that's preferable to the truth, to accepting that's who they really are. They're lacking in compassion, they're racist, ill-informed, cruel, or, worst of all, tacky.


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