Friday, March 31, 2006

The Wind Beneath My Wings

So I'm stressed out because I'm going out of town with a school group which means: I'm driving through Atlanta by myself twice (the alternative is riding in a van full of near strangers and being stranded at the mercy of everyone's else's timetable), staying away from home overnight with the near strangers, attending a conference with a bunch of total strangers, all in a vaguely familiar place (I lived there 30 years ago so it's not completely foreign but...). Before I leave I have to run errands that can't be put off and pack clothes, laptop, charged phone, camera, etc.

Even with all of that going on I was willing to make a window to spend time with Brick.

Brick was willing to pitch a hissy fit because I inconvenienced him by packing. And then was condescendingly contemptuous when I chose to take the time I would have spent with him to do the packing his hissy fit kept me from doing earlier. Sorry Babe. You don't get to be an asshole 24/7 and have people want to be around you.


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