Thursday, March 30, 2006

every word I say I mean it
every single day I feel it
but sometimes when you talk
its obvious you want to show it
so don't blow it
tell me what we got
tell me its alot
tell me its the real thing
tell me not to change
and always be the same
tell me that's a good thing, it's a good thing
tell me not to lie
tell me not to wait
tell me that you want the same things as me
tell me that it's fate, driving me insane
tell me its the real thing that keeps me hanging on
I can read the signs between us
I feel it inside when you come nearer
there's a stillness in the air
like no one else is there and every moment
stands in the moment
sometimes it hurts to watch you leave
it feels like you take a part of me with you
I never know how it'll be
I guess its just a mystery or is it the real thing
that keeps me hangin' on


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