Thursday, March 23, 2006

Speaking of Insanity....

When I was young, I wanted twelve children. I thought of names, drew plans for imaginary houses, complete with decorations, where there would be two children per room and a big library full of books where they could always have a safe place to read and dream. I guess I imagined a lot of kids equaled a happy family. Or I had ideas for decorating a lot of bedrooms and needed an excuse to use all of them.

And then I had a baby.

Suddenly, twelve didn't seem like such a good idea anymore. I started to realize maybe I'd never have enough patience, love, understanding, and money for one.

So what's with people who never have that realization? Are they more patient, loving, understanding, and wealthy than the rest of us? Or do they have such a different vision of parenting that those things aren't even a consideration?


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