Sunday, April 09, 2006

She'll always answer 'Yes'

At least that's what the ad I heard on the radio the other day said. 'Women always say 'yes'. They all want to get married.'

So Brick laughs as the words 'No, Hell, no! We don't 'all' say 'yes!' come from my side of the car.

"You're still saying no." he said.

He has a point about that.

All women don't want to be married. For me it's nothing personal. It has to do with the institution of marriage. I don't think marriage, as it exists in our society, works. I don't feel comfortable dedicating my life to something that is destined to fail.

Even at my most twitterpated, I would probably answer a question like 'Will you marry me?' with a desperate glance for an exit, a cold sweat, upset stomach, and the conditions of counseling and a 500 point premarital agreement.

I don't do committment well.

Maybe I would be better if I saw people going into marriages that I thought had a chance in Hell of succeeding. I see people who, when you mention the 60% divorce rate, blissfully state 'Oh that won't be us. We loooove each other.' Wonder how many of the 60% said the same thing?

One couple I know, I swear they're only getting married because he's terrified of breaking up with her. She has this tendency to stalk and he probably wants to protect his bunny. Everyone that knows them is starting a pool on how long after the ceremony the breakup will occur. They may make the MM2 nuptials look like a blessed, long-term union. I have 4 months in the pool but I figure it will take the Groom that long to arrange his new name and Social Security Number (gotta love government bureaucracy)


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