Thursday, April 06, 2006

What was I thinking?!

I decided this would be a good day to track down every CD in the house and cars and figure out exactly what I had. Why do I always forget that once I start something I never want to stop until it's completely done?

Which is why, since I had everything out, it made perfect sense to me to go through all the CDs and make mix versions of all the scattered songs I never listen to because they're buried in the piles of songs I don't like. It made sense to take all the Sinatra, Bennett, Feinstein, et. al. and make a couple of standards discs, and to take all the assorted R&B and Soul and put them together. It does make sense. Really. There aren't any stations here that play them, I haven't caved and gotten sat radio for the car yet. I'm tired of the same thing all the time. And, they're all out. Why put them all up again thinking 'One of these days I have to get those down and make a few mix CDs.'

Here's the problem: it's three o'clock and I've been working on this for hours, I'm still surrounded by stacks of CDs, and the first mix isn't done yet. This is starting to look like a four day job, I only have till 4 o'clock and I can't think of a logical stopping place.

And I think I need a few more CD holders to put this in an order that makes sense. I should have done something easy like clean all the closets.


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