Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Quarter Million Dollar Trailer Park

So I have two choices...I can have a modest home on a large piece of land, a few trees, some privacy, maybe a small lake, room for my dog to run, or...I get a plat of land, build the largest house allowed by the Zoning commision cheek to jowl with a bunch of other houses that are as large as the Zoning commision will allow. The few trees left in the neighborhood are in the area that's too rough to be developed so it's the designed wildlife area required by law. If one house catches fire, the whole block will go. You can hear everything your neighbors say and they can hear you. You spend a quarter million for your McMansion and your living conditions are fundamentally the same as a trailer park. You just have more square footage to show for your larger mortgage and tax payments.

I'll take the ranch house on 10 acres, please.


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