Friday, March 31, 2006


So I start off on my adventure. I get an early start to avoid rush hour traffic, have my route all mapped out, get on the Interstate, and sit. It took me an hour to get out of the county I live in. I sat in traffic, I read in traffic, I was thankful to be going 5 mph every now and then. I started adding up how long a 120 mile trip would take at that rate of 'speed'.

When the clog I was stuck in moved past the major accidents and minor fender benders that had snarled things so badly, I made good time. And then I ramped onto a road with about 18 lanes.

The only thing that kept me from turning around and racing home in sheer terror was the realization that traffic was heavier on the other side.

I called my loved ones and had them talk me through. I turned off talk radio (evidently Rush Limbaugh's voice alone can set off a panic attack) and sang with the radio, and finally the lanes started dwindling down to a reasonable number.

So now I'm hear, the only member of my group that's checked in (everyone else is due late tonight) and I'm in a room that hasn't been completely cleaned and the door doesn't shut. I'm starving and can't work up the energy to fix the door so the laptop will be safe. I want a shower before supper but the towels haven't arrived yet (and I don't want to flash the housekeepers if they arrive in mid-shower).

But, amazingly, I'm having a lot of fun.


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