Saturday, May 06, 2006

A Woman Like Denise

So who is she?

It's not like any of us really know. We're all projecting.

Betrayed wife and heroic mother trying to protect her children? Betraying bitch who backstabs best friends and uses her children against the in-laws? How about a beautiful woman who's just not all that bright?

So you're going through a very public, nasty divorce with a famous husband who has a popular show and a beloved family. You've got some ammunition because he's an idiot but if you use it his side is going to be coming after you. You're pretty and look great naked and can have anybody. And you pick the estranged husband of a woman the public considers your best friend?!

Dumb. So dumb.

Anybody but him. Ok, almost anybody. Ideally, nobody. Order a vibrator online and a year's supply of batteries and make like a saint till it's all over.

Is it right? No. Is it fair that you be alone and your soon-to-be-Ex can date hookers? No, but life ain't right, it ain't fair, and, if you really care about what's good for your girls, you manage to restrain yourself from straddling friend's husbands on balconies then smiling for the papparazzi.

Or maybe that's just me.


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