Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Just Hush

I've always had a theory that women decide the second they meet a guy whether they're willing to have sex with him. What determines whether it happens or not is if the guy says or does something stupid before the deal is closed.

It's the same with politicians. We're in the middle of a primary fight and the negative ads are making me check people off my list. Most of them start well but they just keep talking.

"My opponent doesn't support private property rights" ...Eek! Maybe I should consider this guy? "And I believe in faith in government" ...SCRATCH!

"My opponent was dishonest" ...Well, maybe? ... "And she was against mandatory sentencing. That means she doesn't want criminals in jail" ...Or maybe it means she has a lick of sense and realizes that mandatory sentencing is stupid?

How about somebody tell me what they're going to do instead of something nasty about their opponent. Someone other than the "I'm going to run our state the way the good lord wants" Guy.


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