Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Evil Polygamists are Coming!!

I don't approve of the kind of polygamy practiced by fundamentalist religious sects. I think polygamy should be a way to empower women, not subjugate them. Strength in numbers or that it's the women who have two husbands. Whichever way it works out, as long as everyone involved is an adult and consenting, what's so horrible about it?

I've watched as society has spent the last couple of decades promoting single parenthood. It doesn't work. One parent will never be able to provide all a child needs. The reality is that they're usually so exhausted from working to provide the necessities that there's no time left for things like...time. Time to read, talk, time for fellowship.

Is it for everyone? No. But the insistence of evil is a sign of fear from the people who claim monogamy is the one true way.


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