Friday, September 08, 2006

Pretty is as Pretty Does

An acquaintance was married awhile back. It's not someone I like. It's someone I have no respect for. But I was still bothered when someone tracked down their wedding announcement and photo this week and posted it on the Internet for all to see and then mocked the bride and groom unmercifully.

What did the picture look like? It looked like a radiantly happy couple. The groom, who I hadn't seen before, was very handsome. I used to think the bride was pretty but I was raised that pretty is as pretty does and knowing what an ugly person she is inside makes it hard for me to see her clearly. Trying to be as unbiased as I can, she's not unattractive. No one who appears that happy is. If she were someone I liked I'd think she looked beautiful in her wedding photo.

So part of me wants to mount up and tilt at the windmill of how unacceptable it is to go off of a message board, track someone down in their private life, post personal information, and make cruel comments about peoples' appearance, weight, family members, and private lives.

Part of me knows that the target this time is one of the worst offenders of this sort of behavior and has done every single one of those things to other people and will do it again.

Karma? Who knows but I ain't saddling up the charger for this one. Not my problem. If anyone asks, I'll be honest about how I don't like that sort of thing no matter who does it, no matter who the target is but I'm not volunteering my opinion.


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