Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Getting Away From It All

Brick and I wanted to get away from it all. Unfortunately everyone else had the same idea. Which is how I found myself in a traffic jam with a faint cell signal, calling motels out of a coupon book that promised reasonable prices only to hear 'Oh that $50 price is now $275 for a standard room'. Which is how we ended up at the Apple Blossom Motel.

The owner was shocked that we were married to each other. The instructions on the back of the door told us to leave the key on the dresser. It was built sometime in the 40s and the electrical outlets didn't have ground plugs much less wifi. But it was quiet, clean, reasonably priced, and had a great fish camp in walking distance.

We feasted on perfectly prepared flounder and baby shrimp and Brick also had stuffed clams and oysters then walked back to our room.


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