Sunday, September 04, 2005

Maggie's Rules

For Public Officials.......

It is better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

That someone above you didn't do their job does not excuse you not doing yours.

'To Protect and Serve' sometimes means 'liberating' bottled water for people dying of thirst. It also means you don't drive past people in need with an empty promise of 'Someone is coming'

Part of being in charge is that people have to be afraid of you shoving a boot up their ass, as in 'I want every freakin' school bus in the state down there getting people out before this thing has a chance to hit'

There are duties and responsibilities that come with wearing a Police or Fire Department uniform, or having the honor of holding public office. It's not just about a paycheck or having a title before your name. It's not all about you. It's about the people you have sworn to serve. And it's a mark against your personal honor when you betray that.


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