Monday, August 29, 2005

Katrina and the Waves

I've been watching the coverage over the last couple of days. Having lived at the coast for 10+ years, I've ridden through a few but nothing like this. Still, after hearing of people getting 90 miles in 9 hours, I know, if I ever lived in an area like that again, I wouldn't evac out.

I don't care about protecting my home, what can I stop the storm from doing? Guarding against looters? Anything I'd leave behind, they're welcome to. Getting back as soon as possible? I want to rush back to wade through sewage, without power and fresh water? I'll just wait at a La Quinta a safe distance away, thank you very much.

The reason I wouldn't want to evac is that 9 hours to go 90 miles. I'd rather be in my home with four walls than stranded on a highway in the middle of nowhere.

But for me the best solution is: don't live at the coast. It's a nice place to visit.


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