Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Might as well...

Since BBF seems to be filling my role of adoring these days I've decided to take on a more 'wifely' position and try to get Merv to go to the doctor. He hasn't been in years and now he has a medical problem, could be serious/could be nothing, and he's been putting off getting it looked at for months.

Tonight he told me the fall was going to be too busy. This is after he told me that the summer was too busy, he'd take care of it when fall got here. This is after he told me he noticed it before last Tax Season but was too busy to go then. If he doesn't go in the fall it will then be Tax Season again and he'll put it off to May at the earliest.

Why is no one else looking out for him? Does he take care of everyone and no one takes care of him? If he were poor-mouthing and saying "Oh poor, pitiful me" I wouldn't buy it for a second but he doesn't even seem to realize that he (and everyone else?) puts what he would enjoy/what he needs last.

If it were Brick I'd have whipped out the Doctor's Guide months ago, set up an appointment, and told him what day to be there. I can't do that for Merv but I can ask, I can not let him play the next season game, I can tell him how much him staying healthy matters to me. Why is no one with the ability to accomplish more doing it?


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