Monday, August 22, 2005

Beth's Best Friend

I've always been able to see it when a woman is interested in a man. Especially when it's 'my' man. Maybe it comes from being raised by an insanely jealous harpy. The jealous part certainly didn't stick (ok, the insanely part anyway) but I guess I picked up the ability to just 'know'. This is pretty disconcerting to the men I've loved. I've often realized before they do that someone is attracted to them and that they are attracted to someone other than me. And now there's Beth's best friend. And she wants Merv.

Does he want her? Yea, at least a little bit. Ironically, she kind of reminds me of me. And I'm here, and she's there, and don't men always enjoy being around women who think they're wonderful? And she's there. Oh is she ever there. In and out of their house, 'Sweetie, I can't go to this function with Merv tonight. Why don't you go and keep him company?' there.

Which raises the question "What is Beth thinking?' Does she not see the same kind of signals I see? Does she think he's so trustworthy (oh yea, right!) it doesn't occur to her to even worry? Or does she realize how alone he's been since she got sick and she trusts this woman to not take things too far?

The most interesting thing about this has been Merv's reaction when I told him how I felt. He didn't tell me I was crazy, paranoid, insane, imagining things like Brick always has. We just talk about it as situations arise and he seems to be being honest (who knows?). And I try to be his friend and not the woman who is starting to understand what jealousy feels like.


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