Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Flo the Amazing Whiner

Somehow I missed The Amazing Race bug until the Boston Rob and Ambuh race and I've been watching the replays on a cable channel. It's the last episode of the first race and I have no idea how it's going to turn out but I'm desperatly praying that somehow the finale includes Flo being throttled repeatly.

That is the whiniest girl I have ever seen in my life. She makes Zelda in the midst of a hormone storm look like Anne of Green Gables. Why that poor boy Zack did not gag her...I bet he was mentioned at the Nobel Peace Prize Committee that year.

As for the other finalists, I like the brothers even if they have no idea how to pronouce the name of anything Vietnamese and I like the married couple. I wouldn't mind Zack winning except that he's partnered with the whiner.

When I found out what a great show this was (6 seasons in?) I felt kind of bad that I'd missed the others. Now that has given me something to watch in this dreary summer and I'm glad I came to it late.

But if that girl whines one more time the TV may not survive the night.


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