Sunday, August 07, 2005

Alone Again, Naturally

It's Sunday and I'm alone. I'm not saying it like that's a bad thing. In fact, I've started to wonder if I could ever adjust to a 'normal' relationship after all these years.

Maybe it happened out of self-preservation but I've come to appreciate solitude. I enjoy spending time alone with no one to please but myself. If I want it to be quiet, it is. If I want to play music just under Call the Cops level, I can. I can scrub floors nekkid. Eat popcorn for dinner. I have hours at a stretch that belong only to me.

If I want to be around people, I know where to find them. And sometimes I do but I find myself getting anxious these days if my family is around for long stretches of time. I have become Garbo-esque. I vant to be alone.


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