Sunday, July 31, 2005

Trapped in the Closet

"The Christian in me gave you the benefit of the doubt"Do what!?

Ok, I never even listened to R. Kelly but I'm totally hooked on the whole Trapped in the Closet thing. It's probably the most dramatic thing going on this summer, entertainment-wise anyway. I want to know what's going to happen when the guy stops looking behind shower curtains and under beds, who's coming up the stairs, what happens next. Head scratching with your gun? Smoking Traffic Officers? Could he have at least showered between women? Leg cramps? Does this guy pull out his gun for everything?

Other than that, TV sucks this summer. The latest batch of reality shows is too cheesy to be good, except for Hell's Kitchen which is good and cheesy.

Soaps just keep getting worse. Only AMC is still watchable and if someone doesn't tell Greenlee what a controlling bitch she is and that she caused a lot of her own problems pretty soon I'm unTIVOing it.

The news seems to be the same ole and even late night TV is in repeats.

and I'm stalling to avoid my homework....


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