Friday, July 15, 2005

Lurleen...I Mean Hillary

So I see yet another article about how Hillary Clinton is shockingly conservative.

Does this woman have no core values?

Not that I'm that big on values, especially not the ones put on display for political consumption, but shouldn't something matter to officeholders other than their own naked ambition?

I don't care if their marriage is a sham, a political convenience only for their mutual benefit. God knows people have stayed married for less.

I don't care who sleeps with who. I think Bill Clinton treats his women like trash and wonder why anyone would want him, but other than that, he can get blow jobs in the middle of Main Street and I don't care. (it would be nice if he could at least try to refrain from calling the giver of said blow job a Nut and a Slut the minute after he...blows)

But it offends me that she will sacrifice anything for her own advancement: children, defense issues, women, abortion rights. Learning and maturing and changing your mind is one thing. Jettisoning anything that's out of fashion because it might keep you from your goal is something else entirely.

And, most of all, it's just sad that the first woman President of the United States may be nothing but a modern version of Lurleen Wallace.


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