Sunday, July 10, 2005

I Treat Her GOOD!

I don't know what it is with some guys. I have seen guys who are serial cheaters, who are physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive, and who openly tell their buddies how miserable they are, but you mention to them that maybe, just maybe their wife doesn't think they're Prince Charming either they will sputter, bluster and loudly assert 'I treat her good! She wouldn't know what to do without me.'

It's like they've heard somewhere that it's important in being a man that they be someone their wives need and can rely on but they have not a clue what they need them for or how to give it to them. They just want to believe, and have others believe, that they're hugely successful at it the way they'd love to have everyone think they have an 8" dick.

I have no idea how to get a MM to admit that maybe he'd be doing his wife a favor if he told her he wanted out. I can't even get my own husband to admit that one. I often have visions of him with a GF telling her "My poor wife wouldn't know what to do without me' leaving out the part about how I might not know but I wouldn't mind the opportunity to find out.

But to be fair, I would miss Brick, I wouldn't know what to do without him even if it would be much better for me. The thing is, I think they wouldn't know what to do without us either.

When MM tell their girlfriends they can't leave their wives maybe it's the guys who would be devastated, wouldn't know how to live without them, can't imagine life without them. Even when the life they have is not the one they think they want.


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