Sunday, June 19, 2005

Buying the Hype

I usually don't care about celebrity 'romance'. Oh, I'm as casually interested in the gossip of it as the next person but it doesn't really matter to me if Tom's really gay and in a business arrangement with Katie and Katie's sold her soul to achieve fame. That sort of thing is interesting for observation of the human experience and the quirky things that people do but that's about it.

I care about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. I really want to believe that they're crazy about each other, will work things out, will be happy forever. What's up with that?

I'm not a huge fan. Ok, so I always like looking at her and I occasionally like looking at him but I haven't even seen all their movies. I just haven't been that interested. But if they want to be the Newman/Woodward of their generation and spend the rest of their lives making babies and movies, I'm so there.


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