Saturday, June 11, 2005

Amarillo by Morning

Merv's excuse for not getting together? It was a holiday weekend and it was such a shame we didn't know we were both going to be in Amarillo at about the same time because we could have worked something out.
Well, maybe that would have been possible if you checked your freakin email!
So, instead of arranging a time over three days with some flexibility and a whole town to hide in, we could have managed to get away in the middle of a 600 mile road trip. Yea right.
Why have I not changed my name, my address, my phone number, disappeared? Because I would miss his voice, his calm counsel, his laugh, the way his mind works (when I'm not the person he's BSing). But he's not a person to count on, depend on, hope for, expect any kind of future with.


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