Monday, May 16, 2005

Is You Is Or Is You Ain't My Baby?

Either Merv genuinely cares for me or I'm in a state of denial that makes Brick's denial look insignificant and me like a total idiot for recognizing his denial and being completely unwilling to face mine for years.

So should I be locked into a room with He's Just Not That Into You being read to me non-stop till I get a clue?

It's so easy to see it when other people are being blind to the behavior of people they love. This thing with the woman with three babies by three fathers that married none of them and actually thought the married father of Baby Three was going to choose her and protect her and their baby only to be disappointed and crushed when, surprise!, he chose his wife is just one more example of me seeing it clearly when it's everyone but me. It was easy for me, and almost everyone else, to realize that if he was serious about her, their baby, and how much he 'loved' her he would have left when she got pregnant. If a man doesn't leave for his pregnant girlfriend, he's not going.

And it's not even that I want Merv to leave. I honestly don't want him to abandon his commitments. I know that there's no question of him ever choosing me over..... I just want him to want more from me than we have now. But, getting back to the He's Not That Into You, if I were looking at anyone else I would say 'If you mattered to him at all, he would have made more happen by now.' Instead, I make excuses, say he's the world's worst procrastinator, and look at all the delays and roadblocks I've thrown in the way.

But I can't even imagine going on a Revenge Rampage the way the mother of three is going right now. So far she's sicced four government agencies on the guy and it's only been one day. Amazingly, when told about the situation, Merv was sympathetic to her. I'm feeling for the man who now has the IRS after his butt.


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