Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Don't Ask, Don't Tell

I realize I shouldn't pay any attention to whatever it is Brick does for companionship. After all, I certainly wouldn't want him violating my privacy, but I always worry that he's doing something that's going to get him on the front page of the local paper.

I have seen so many wives, especially in his profession, do things to cover their husbands' asses that other women can't believe. The one that shocks most people is the wife that comforted her husband's fiance at his funeral. That one I could do. There's the one that beat the tar out of his women and the only reason he got caught is because he called the cops and wanted one arrested after he beat her into unconciousness. The one that shoots at his women (always to miss!) was just given a person of the year award. I won't be like the one who just testified for her husband at his child molestation trial. That's taking the loyal wife routine to an extreme where I'm not willing to go.

I honestly don't think I care anymore on a personal level. It stopped mattering to me a long time ago. I do worry that I enable something horrible by my indifference. At least he's not burying women in the backyard. I'd notice if he did that much work around the house.

So, occasionally, I snoop. I don't look too deeply. Just take a glance and see that he's hiding something. I could get the super secret snoop gear and probably find out exactly what. I'm not sure why I don't. Maybe it's because it's too big of a betrayal, maybe I'm afraid of opening Pandora's Box, maybe I'm just not ready to deal with whatever it is, maybe all that and more.


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