Sunday, April 03, 2005

I'd prefer a resort

I just got the bill for my recent hospital stay. If I was going to 'spend' that much money (thank goodness for my HMO!) I can think of things I'd have rather done. Twenty-five thousand (and counting) for two days!

Hmmm. I'd have preferred a tummy tuck and refurbished tits if we had to stay in the medical area. If I could have spent it anywhere, a tropical beach would have been nice with some fabulous food and a lot of shopping. Somehow Manolos don't seem so extravagent when 2 antacid tablets 'cost' $48.

How do people without health insurance manage? How do people with cost share manage? Twenty percent of this would be $5,000 and all the bills aren't in yet! I feel like battling the hospital line-by-line.


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