Sunday, May 29, 2005

Beauty is in the Mind of the Beholder

Why do women not recognize their natural beauty? Large breasted women want small perky ones. Small breasted women pay money for distorting implants. Women with curly hair want straight, straight haired women get perms. Now I'm in a place where women with long, gorgeous dark hair, skin, and eyes don't play up these assets but seem to be on a mission to make themselves ugly. Bad blond dye jobs, thick red streaks, tattoos on their necks. Why can't they embrace what is beautiful about themselves and realize there are women that envy them? Put on some deep red lipstick, brush that luscious hair out long and shiny, walk tall and proud and know they are unique and wonderful for who they are not because they're the only woman at the ballpark with neon blue streaks in their hair.


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