Wednesday, June 08, 2005


DEAR ABBY: I have read so often about the "other woman." Your advice is always, "If he cheats on his wife, he'll cheat on you." I wish I had listened, but I didn't -- and now I face a lonely future.For more than 30 years, I was the other woman. I was always faithful to "Hank." I changed my life around to make him happy. I knew he'd never divorce his wife, but I needed Hank in my life. He also cheated on me for 10 years, but then became faithful until three months ago.

Hank's wife died a year ago, and we continued seeing each other. A couple of weeks ago, he announced that he wanted us to be "friends." Hank said I was his special friend, but he could no longer spend every night with me because his children and grandchildren "wouldn't understand."

Last week, I learned that for the past three months, Hank has been seeing another woman. He told her that he sees an old friend "occasionally." Abby, she has been to his house and met his entire family! Hank said if I don't like it, he'll stop seeing me.I have spent most of my adult life with this man. Now I mean nothing to him. He didn't respect me enough to be honest from the start, and now I'm left with nothing. -- CAN'T STOP CRYING IN TEXAS


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