Friday, July 08, 2005

First Kisses

As one gets older a person forgets things. Things like learning how to walk and talk. What it felt like the first time you went to a movie as a young child and saw pictures on the big screen in a dark room full of strangers. The first taste of the food that would become your very favorite.

After being with one person for a long time, a person forgets what a first kiss feels like. You remember that it was special. Some first kisses you may remember in detail. The way you turned your head. The way your partner turned theirs. You may remember endless yearning for the kiss, the excitement you felt as you saw his head bend towards yours and you thought ‘Yes? Now? Maybe? Will he?’

First kisses. The way you feel when you see someone and you know you want to kiss them and hope they want to kiss you. The joy and relief you feel after their lips touch yours for the first time and it’s good and you hope they feel the same way. And you want more.


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