Monday, June 20, 2005

Marriage as Business

Society would be better off if we viewed marriage as a business instead of believing in things like 'soul mates', happily ever after, and monogamy.
So many women have gone into the workforce over the last decades. Without getting into the economics of increased consumption and increased work pool, one reason many have gone is for security, so that they wouldn't be reliant on a man. Instead, they depended on companies to keep the promises they made of continuing employment, benefits, and retirement packages. Those promises haven't been kept. And women, many in their 40s and 50s, are thrown back into the workforce with obsolete training and raided pension funds.
Sort of like a woman whose husband leaves her for a younger woman after 3 kids and 20+ years of marriage, these women are being left by companies for the greener pastures of India, China, and Central America.
So I took the more traditional path. I've had one 'employer'. Yes, I faced the job insecurity that I could be replaced at any time but so does everyone else (especially in a Right to Work State). I'm like a Personal Assistant. My "Boss' is a pain in the neck, I frequently want to quit, he's demanding, negative, I have spent hours tracking down obscure items that he's just had to have, sort of like a spoiled movie star.
The upside? The pay's good, the benefits are nice, I actually like my Boss (when he's not in a mood), I have a ton of free time, a flexible schedule as long as I'm available during his peak hours. This is a really good job. And at the end of my work day (ok, it never ends but that doesn't negate the point) I don't have to go home and please a husband and family, and do my own chores and errands.
It's not a bad life.


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