Friday, August 12, 2005

Mama in the Ditch

Mamas seem to be spending a lot of time in ditches these days. First, Beth Holloway Twitty has combed through every ditch in Aruba looking for a child probably gone forever now Cindy Sheehan has parked herself in a ditch because she thinks the President she calls 'George...the lying Bastard..the evil maniac' is going to meet with her, for a second time, so she can call him a murderer, and say 'Bullshit' to a President.

Two Mamas on missions. Both have effectively walked away from what's left of their families to do what they feel they need to do. Sheehan is acting against the express wishes of her husband, the boy's father, and another son who wants to join the military. Haven't heard much about how Beth Twitty's family feels but I would imagine they miss her.

I can understand a Mama's rage and need for answers. But sometimes there are no answers. There are no words that can comfort. There are no acceptable explainations.

That's a hard enough concept to accept over the small things. Evidently, when it involves the loss of a child, it's near impossible


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