Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Shame, Shame, Shame

Atlanta should be ashamed because it passed a law making panhandling in the Tourist Triangle illegal? The outcry isn't because they didn't make it illegal all over town but because it 'keeps poor people from making a living'. When did begging, and roughing up people who don't hand it over, become 'making a living'? Next week, armed robbery becomes a 'career option'.

But it is a shame that it took sixty years for Georgia to pardon the only woman the state executed in the 20th century. Lena Baker, a black woman, killed a white man in self-defense. She got a one-day trial and a swift ticket to Old Sparky. Puts that whole Strom Thurmond 'love affair' with the underage black housemaid into perspective doesn't it?

And it's really a shame that I can't figure out how to put pics in this thing.


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