Tuesday, August 23, 2005

"Someone ought to shoot the bitch"

I was in class today and the subject of Cindy Sheehan came up. Behind me I hear one of my classmates, a sweet young girl in her early twenties, say bitterly 'Someone ought to shoot the bitch."


I was stunned speechless (something that rarely happens). I sat there looking at her, trying to think of what to say when the young girl who sits in front of me added "Yes. Someone should."

"So, I guess y'all aren't fans?" and I got 10 minutes of pain and anger and one girl talking about her husband coming home on leave from Iraq only to see that and the first girl talking about friends that are over there.

I remember the 60s and 70s. I don't see how people opposed to the war can keep saying they think the war is illegal and immoral much longer and still say they support the troops. How can you support someone doing something 'illegal and immoral'? At some point the American public, on both sides, is going to have to recognize that this is the equivalent of "I had nothing personal against the Jews. I was just following orders." Nuremberg told us all that was not a valid excuse. You can't commit war crimes just because you're ordered too and participating in an illegal war is a war crime.

So, the Army's worst case scenario comes true and there is a large troop strength there for 4 more years...people on the extreme left are already referring to the troops as babykillers and war criminals, it can only spread, this will rip this country apart, and 'losing' this clusterf%ck is just begging for a repeat of the malaise of the 70s without the good stuff like the indiscriminate sex and pot smoking.

And here I am...I don't know if the war is right or wrong. I don't much care. I care about the soldiers, airmen, and marines. My son, my friends' sons, my children's classmates, that girl's husband, and, thanks to the Reserve poilcy, people my age who should be home raising their teenagers, working their jobs, guarding the nation, and getting greyer from ordinary living. Instead, they're all in a godforsaken desert and who knows when or if they're coming home.

This mess is bad for the military and the individuals that make up the military. It's bad for the Warriors. They deserved better than they're getting from their Commander-in-Chief. They should have never been sent in inadequately prepared. This wasn't an emergency. There was time available to plan it properly and the DoD screwed up.

So, do I stand in that ditch? No, because my son would be shamed. I stay home and pray I'm wrong and pray I'm not watching history repeat itself and pray we all make it through to the other side without too many scars.


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