Sunday, August 28, 2005

Nailing Jello to the Wall

Zach is coming home in a few days and I've been trying to get the house ready. Since I moved out of Brick's bedroom nine months ago he has not dusted or vacuumed. And I have to move back in there.

Zach mentioned he was coming months ago and that he'd be staying for 30 days. I told Brick I didn't think it was right that I have to clean months of his dirt and that he needed to take care of it and the boxes of his things that were piled up waiting for him to sort through and organize.

I broke down a few days ago and hosed the room down because it was obvious he wasn't going to and I have asked him each day since to please sort through the boxes because we were going to steam clean the carpets tonight. He didn't.

So now I'm waiting for him to get back from work, the carpets have been cleaned, and all of his boxes are piled up on his bed. The explosion is probably going to be world class.

I would just break down and sort through them and throw away the garbage myself but that would also cause an explosion. There's an explosion coming and the only way I could possibly avoid it would be if I moved into a room that has not been cleaned in nine months and I couldn't stand the smell for 5 minutes. No way could I tolerate it for 30 days.

Why can't we just have our son come home for a visit and it be a pleasant thing? Why does Brick insist on making things so difficult?


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